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Darren has over 20 years of leadership experience within the mining industry. Overcoming depression in his 30's he has been a practicing Emotional Therapist since 2006. He founded Global Heroes in 2018 to collaborate with go-givers who actively help people grow and achieve in life at little or no cost.

With his wife Ninin, they have been feeding the homeless every fortnight since June 2019.

Louise has lived in various parts of the globe, home schooled her beautiful 3 children and is a naturally gifted Master Guide with the Master Key Experience helping people, perhaps like yourself, to achieve what they really want in life rather than what society or others think is best for them.


Mark J is the Co-Creator of the MKE and arguably the most valued and thorough personal discovery program available. He is an author, a successful businessman and is passionate about guiding people to become Self Directed Thinkers.

Are your thoughts really your own?



A unique all in one 3-Session-Program that guides you to resolve challenging emotions that have been "Learned" in your life. It doesn't matter whether you know why you feel the way you do or not, as this is a "No Talk" therapy. Your subconscious knows how to fix the problem and all we do as therapists is guide you to resolve the cause.


What do you really want more of in your life? Do you have unmet dreams? The Master Key Experience shows you how you really can achieve what you want in life as well as showing you how to be a Self-Directed-Thinker instead of living your life by the opinions from other people and external sources.

More here.


There simply is not enough exposure of positive stories. Global Heroes aims to change this by acknowledging our heroes that don't look for recognition but we think deserve a bit of a pat on the back.


Value & Integrity
In todays society, there is too much focus on "What's in it for me?" and "How much money can I make out of this?"
We believe in the motto "Give More, Get More" -
people don't need to spend a lot of money to get a quality service. We get value from enriching other peoples lives because for us at Global Heroes, success is service.
Darren, Ninin, Louise, Mark J
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