June 15th 2020
Hey Great People

Another Positive from the current world situation allowed me to attend the MKE Retreat online, that is usually in Kauai, Hawaii. So many good things have occurred in my life due to this situation that many others are stressing about.
Don’t get me wrong, I feel for those who have suffered, but I was made redundant 2 and 1/2 months ago and I have done nothing but focus on the good stuff and good things have come my way. And they continue to – We are what we think.
Many of us from around the world, gathered on zoom calls for 4 x 5.5hour sessions to continue to promote and grow our true selves. The MKE looks at the premise that we are all born golden, but the world around us can change who we were truly born to be. This brilliant helps us to reconnect to the gifts that are already WITHIN us!!
We are all so grateful to Mark Januszewski, his wife the Fabulous Davene and Lori Enrico for putting this together to encourage more people to be Self-directed Thinkers.
Here’s how people describe their Master Key Experience:
JANE: “It’s the best Self Development Course I’ve taken. There’s Nothing Like It”
PAMELA: “It’s about becoming a Self Directed Thinker, based upon your deepest desires and passions.”
NANCY: “It’s a Self Discovery experience that will help you overcome the negative and accentuate the positive in your life.”
REBECCA: “It is the key to bringing you to your best life, to exercising and discovering your bliss. I can’t tell you what your experience will be, but it will be perfect.”
RICK: “It’s an experience like no other with hands on support to reach your bliss”
